

Wednesday 25 December 2013


I am sorry for not updating my blog since my sem breaks starts. I keep shopping and enjoy my sem break then forgotten I have blog to update everyday. You know Dayre ? Recently, I kept writing stuff there, that is also one of the main reason why I abandoned my blog. It's fun and much more convenient. Also, they have stickers that suite your mood or what you are doing with a max words of 500 each post but you can always add another post to make your dayre look longer and more like a blog. If you have time, I think you should probably give it a try on dayre. Time flies, isn't it ? Holiday for Primary and Secondary School peeps going to end very soon. Next thursday which is on the 2nd of Jan 2014 they will be starting their first day of school. This is my 2nd week of sem break and next week will be the 3rd week. As you know, I got 1 month off which means 4 weeks. I left 2 weeks more to enjoy my beloved sem break ! Oh No ! Sem 3 is soon approaching me and going to drive me insane with tons of assignments.

Today is definitely Christmas day. Merry Christmas peeps !!! :D 

I choose Spongebob, Patrick mainly very obviously because I adore Spongebob so much. I think he look so cute and adorable with his sponge and cheezy face also the red little pinky pimples seems like he is blushing and last but not least also his very beautiful and attractive blue eyes. How I wonder I was born with a blue eye because I love blue and I think blue eyes girls will definitely look much more gorgeous and attractive and unique than black or brown eye girl. This is my opinion, I don't know about others. Do you know Megan Fox ? She owns a pair of blue eyes. 

Don't you think this picture with her blue eyes make her look much more pretty,gorgeous and also hot ? Blue eyes the best for humans ! :) 

How do you people spent your holiday ? Well, I spent most of my holiday watching movie on the cinema also window shopping with bro and mummy. Nothing special. This year, my family and I never get to go for a holiday because I am having my sem break but my brother is not. So, no holiday trip. Probably next year we will planned to go somewhere, just not now. That is also why I always stay at home and facing the computer doing nothing. Today is Christmas, but I spend my day at home cleaning my house as CNY is just around the corner. I love every festive seasons coming, but I hate cleaning my house. I'm way too lazy for doing housework but obviously I will just do it IF my parents want me to. Don't you expect me to be a bad daughter by asking my parents to clean the whole house all by themselves right ? If you expect that to happen, then you might have some problem ? 

Yesterday, I went dentist for braces. I thought it is easy to get a braces on however it is not. I never ever expected that I own a crowded teeth and if I wanted to get my braces I have no choice but to remove 4 excess teeth from my mouth. The dentist took 2 of my teeth out yesterday. If you wanted to know my experience for plucking my teeth out of my mouth, I would like to say actually it doesn't hurt at all but you might feel a little bit of uncomfortable because out of sudden there are empty space among your teeth, surely and truly you'll not get used to it. Before the dentist wanted to take your teeth out, they will firstly inject anesthetic which will make your mouth and gum goes numb for 3 hours. Basically, you won't feel anything after injecting which is also why the moment your teeth is removed, you don't feel the exact pain. I thought after 3 hours, I will get at least a little bit hurt on my gum but NO. It doesn't even hurt, like I said previously you will feel uncomfortable not hurt. 

Unfortunately, I got one decay teeth in my mouth. Dentist wanted to remove it but that decay teeth is actually the teeth I used to chew stuff which is pretty important for me. So, this coming saturday the doctor will check and try to save my back decay teeth. If it's successfully then we'll keep that teeth or else we will have to remove this decay teeth and next time in the rest of my life I will only have 1 back teeth to chew instead of 2. Through the X-ray I saw 4 of my wisdom teeth coming out. I did some research on wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth is actually tooth that will come out at the age of 17-25 years old. It's at the back of our teeth. Not everyone can keep their wisdom teeth because some wisdom teeth are not functional and some will hurt your neighbour teeth. I was told that wisdom teeth are unpredictable. So, If it's like what I said, not functional or hurt your neighbour teeth, then you can feel the pain on your teeth. 

YES, after removing all the 4 teeth and make sure which teeth to be taken out this saturday, I will be having my braces on my teeth which I am pretty excited about. I've been waiting for braces like 4 years from the feedback by the government dentist, and now my dad asked me to go for private dentist. I don't know why and what makes the government dentist to be so slow to choose us to be the next one for braces. I've been waiting for 4 years okay ? Not 1 or 2 years. My state so freaking small, you can tell why is it that slow or not ?  If it's KL then yes I understand, their population of people there are much more than us. It really kills my patients sometimes. Luckily my dad wanted to bring me to private dentist, or else how long do you expect me and others outside there who are also waiting for braces for so many freaking years ? It is not that we are not paying, I mean why services like that ? It's kind of disappointing.

So, by just this few weeks period you'll get to see my braces photo. I always wonder how do I look after I got my braces and also when my teeth are all straighten no longer crooked. It must be amazing. I have to choose my braces type soon but I don't know which one to choose ? Colour braces or metal braces ? Their difference is that colour braces are coloured rubber band to support your wire and metal braces is without colour and just clicked to lock your wire. I dunno if I explained it wrongly but for my information is something like that. I asked some of my braces friend, they said metal braces is better although there are no colour on it. What they meant should be the quality are better. I asked my dentist how much does a colour braces cost and metal braces. So, colour braces cost around RM5k ++ and metal braces cost around RM6k-7k ++. Metal braces is definitely much more expansive than the colour band braces. Should I choose quality over beauty or beauty over quality ? I might be choosing metal braces because my dentist tell me colour braces is the one I used to see people wearing it during my secondary school days. Look more attractive and cute. I took these two photo from google.

This is the one you used to see during secondary school period. This is coloured braces. 

This is the metal braces. As you can see, the side there is used clip. I don't know how to explain but is much more stable than the colour band. 

I don't know what is the point for me to explain all this teeth thingy for you. However, it might be a useful information for people who also want braces like I do. So, I am just sharing the information and knowledge I know about braces. I hope you guys enjoy reading them and do follow my blog if you want. Merry Christmas and have a blast !!! Enjoy your day !!! :) 


  1. i'm sure this is useful for some readers :)

    1. yes, it is !!! :) Thanks for the comments ! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Merry Christmas to you and your family too !!! :D
